Important Information Available on Our Website

As many of you know, we launched our new website back in February of this year. With this launch, we added a bunch of beneficial information that will make working with our products and our company a breeze. If you haven’t had a chance to explore our new website since its launch a few months ago, take some time now to educate yourself on the available resources and see what there is to see at!

Our website consists of 7 primary tabs that can bring you to hundreds of areas of content. The primary tabs are: Home, Products, Gallery, Resources, Blog, Contact Us, and Events. While the titles may be somewhat self-explanatory, there are many hidden gems of content and important information throughout the site. Starting with the Home page, individuals can take a virtual tour inside a SCREENEZE screened porch; they can watch video clips of our main two systems; they can learn all about us; they can download our Product Catalog; and they can see what’s been most-recently posted on our Instagram account. It is the Home page that allows you to toggle to all other pages, sign up for important updates, and truly get immersed in all things SCREENEZE!

The next page worth a trip to is our Products page. This page illuminates our 6 different product offerings, which are each individually expanded upon. Whether you’re looking for more details about the classic SCREENEZE system, the SNAPTRACK system, the Flatbar system, the Wedge system, our recommended screens, or the Plinth Kits, we have full pages for each with immense details on the product, installation, and other great facts. The Products page also allows for easy sign-up for our news and updates, especially since we have a new product in-the-works!

Following up next is the amazing Gallery page, which allows further access to a virtual tour, as well as so many featured SCREENEZE installs. If you want to see what a SCREENEZE screened porch looks like, both inside and out, then this is the page for you! With over 50 beautiful projects showcased on this one page, and the ability to virtually tour 4 more screened porches, you can know what it’s like to own and enjoy this product before it’s even installed at your home.

One of our favorite new and updated pages on the website is our Resources page. This page is your one-stop-shop for Installation & Mounting Details, Sales Tools & Documents, FAQs, Warranty Information, BIM, Revit, & CAD Details, as well as Informational Videos. Not only that, this page also allows for easy contact to our support team, who can answer any other questions you may have and/or provide you samples that will help make your screened porch decision easier. This page is possibly the most important page of our website and definitely the most beneficial as you install and enjoy your screened porch!

A continuation from our old website, the Blog page offers plenty of informative, fun, and interesting pieces that cover a wide array of topics. (Which you likely already know because you’re reading this blog piece now). The Blog page provides the ability to read reviews and testimonials from other installers and homeowners that have used our products, as well as read hundreds of blog pieces dating back a few years. The Blog page is the perfect place to get lost in a sea of reading, but worthwhile reading at that.

The Contact Us page is exactly what it sounds like. We have a nice form that allows you to ask any questions or request any samples you may like. This page also allows you to quickly click the link to find nearby Installers and Dealers on the off chance that was all that you were looking for assistance with. While this page, like many others, is very helpful, it doesn’t require much explanation or reasoning.

The newest addition to our website is the Events page, which features past, present, and upcoming events in both a calendar format as well as an individual event call-out format. This page provides all of the important details of where and when to be, whether the event is in North Carolina, Texas, Maryland, or anywhere else. We also offer special links to expo passes and more on this page, so make sure to check back frequently.

While that summarizes all of our pages, we also have header and footer content! These areas on the website provide the ability to quickly search for Installers and Dealers near you, visit all 6 of our social media channels, sign up for news and updates, as well as toggle between the pages as you please. Truthfully, our website aims to be the most user-friendly and the easiest to use.

If you’ve enjoyed reading our website breakdown and the newest additions for this site, feel free to tag us on your screened porch project and let us know your thoughts!

Facebook: @SCREENEZE | Instagram: @screeneze

Twitter: @SCREENEZE | Pinterest: @SCREENEZE



Another Round of “Frequent Flyer” Installers


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