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Halfway Through 2022 Update

While it may be hard to believe, we are halfway through 2022! As we look towards the second half of the year and beyond, we wanted to reflect on the first half of the year and provide news and updates where applicable. If you’ve been following us regularly, some of these updates may merely be refreshers. No matter how focused you’ve been on SCREENEZE® throughout the year thus far, this is a great piece to read as either a refresher, for new information, or both.

Social Media

Over the beginning of 2022 we set out to engage with our followers more consistently across all platforms. By posting more frequently, interacting with others’ posts that we follow, and communicating via messaging, we have been able to achieve and surpass our goals for the first half of the year. Daily social media posts are made to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, alongside Instagram stories, and reposted content and news articles of importance. YouTube is regularly monitored for comments and concerns, with upcoming plans for some exciting additions. If you are interested in staying updated on social media, all six links are included at the end of this blog.


Although we have been sending emails since mid-way through 2021, we made it our goal to improve quality, consistency, and importance of our emails going into 2022. With our weekly featured installers, blog updates, and newsletters, we have been able to improve upon the key metrics aforementioned. Five installers are featured each week, showing appreciation and praise to those creating stunning SCREENEZE® screened porch spaces. One to two blogs are added each week to our website, and featured via email, which showcase company details and updates, topically-relevant information, and much more. Newsletters are sent out at the beginning of each month, highlighting a featured dealer as well as important company updates. We even occasionally send out additional emails to smaller audiences that share specifics regarding numerous topics. If you are interested in staying updated with the latest and greatest from SCREENEZE®, make sure to use the email sign-up link below.


We wanted to make sure that blog pieces were important, relevant, and frequent for 2022, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing and continue to do. New blog pieces are posted once or twice a week, depending on the season and the amount of content available for sharing. Our blogs include everything from company updates, to recipes, to housing trends, and everything in between. We also take requests from followers as to what content they’d like to read about next, so there is an open line of communication between SCREENEZE® and our readers. If you are interested in being updated each time there’s more blog content, make sure to subscribe to our emails below, as well as check out our website every week for updates.


As many of you know, we relaunched our website in February of 2022 to include so much more details in a user-friendly manner. The new website includes multiple resources, product details, images and videos, and so much more. Whether you’re a homeowner, an installer, a dealer, or just a curious individual, there is something for everyone on this website. We regularly update the website and ensure that all details are accurate and current, so there should never be any stress as to what is being read and when it was written. Make sure to check out our website, if you haven’t already, and let us know how we can help you via email, social media, or phone.


SCREENEZE® has been attending and hosting events for a long time, but only recently have these events been publicized and available knowledge ahead of time. On our website we have an amazing ‘Events’ tab that showcases upcoming events, be those Trailer Tours, Builder Shows, or anything else. We also use social media to share event passes and broadcast day-of news and updates. We expect this tab to be used heavily and continuously throughout 2022 and beyond, given that events are starting to become more frequent and areas are opening back up.

If you found this information useful and beneficial, please take a moment to tag us or use our hashtags on social media with your favorite update. Also make sure to stay alert with all of our updates and more by following our social accounts and signing up for emails.

Facebook: @SCREENEZE | Instagram: @screeneze

Twitter: @SCREENEZE | Pinterest: @SCREENEZE


Email Sign-Up: https://mailchi.mp/screeneze.com/his-download-sign-up