Fantastic Ways to Enjoy Memorial Day

Many Americans consider Memorial Day as the unofficial beginning of summer. The three-day weekend typically includes cookouts, long drives, lounging in the sun, and many red, white, and blue desserts. While this day is certainly one to celebrate and relax on, it is also important that we remember the true reason for Memorial Day: commemorating and honoring those that have died while serving our country. We’ve included two sections to this piece: one with ways to commemorate the holiday and show respect to those who’ve lost their lives; the other with ways to celebrate and enjoy the time off with family and friends. Enjoy the read and have a safe Memorial Day!

In Remembrance

It is important to remember the reason we celebrate Memorial Day: to honor those who lost their lives while serving our country. While taking a moment to honor and remember those lost souls, we want to offer some possible ways to show appreciation and remembrance to those individuals on this commemorative holiday.

Place a flag or representative object in your front lawn.

Hold a moment of silence (by yourself or with others).

Donate your time or money to the Department of Veterans Affairs or other organization that cares for those - past or present - that have served our country.

Post or retweet significant and/or meaningful remembrance content on social media.

Pay respects at a local cemetery by placing flags on the graves of fallen soldiers.

For Celebration

Memorial Day is also the unofficial start of summer, and many like to celebrate Memorial Day (and the weekend leading up) by seeing family and friends, hosting cookouts, lounging by lakes or beaches, and just enjoying the incoming season. Below are just a few ways that you can celebrate the holiday - focusing on the more cheery moments and activities.

Host a cookout with friends and family.

Create some Memorial Day crafts and arrange them around your home.

Bake and decorate red, white, and blue desserts for all to enjoy.

Enjoy a nice lazy day by your local lake or on your local beach.

Pick some fresh strawberries and blueberries at a nearby farm.

How are you enjoying Memorial Day? Let us know by tagging any of our social media accounts or using our hashtags in your posts!

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