Screened porches are fantastic home-additions for so many reasons. One of the main reasons, however, is that owning a screened porch actually helps improve your family and social lives. From serving as an extra room for hosting events, to acting as a relaxation spot for the whole family after a long day of work and school, a screened porch can really make a difference in your family life and social life. We noted the top 7 ways that these improvements are evident. 

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Photo By: Fulton Fine Woodworks

The Perfect Event Room

Whether you are hosting your family for the holidays or just having a small get-together with friends, a screened porch is the perfect room for all your event needs! There is plenty of fresh airflow, fewer concerns of messes, and it provides accommodations for anyone in need of silence indoors. Additionally, this space allows for easier entrance/exit if you, the homeowner, would prefer guests not go through your house, or would just prefer guests to exit outside for faster access to their vehicles. Screened porches make for the perfect hosting location and will surely make your home the most-enjoyed place for all get-togethers.

Hobby and Activity Space

To each their own, in regards to hobbies and individual activities, will also require each their own space. A screened porch provides the necessary space for everyone to enjoy their own activities without fear of being disrupted. Painting, playing a musical instrument, and reading a good book are all examples of hobbies one might enjoy within their screened porch. This is especially helpful for busy households where not all family members get time to themselves and their hobbies. 

Avoid the Noise

Homes can be loud - even louder when family members are working from home, children are schooling from home, or any other number of factors. A screened porch can offer solitude and silence, while also providing gentle outdoor background noise to soothe and calm. This can solve the issue of needing a quieter place to do homework, paperwork, send emails, or even take a phone call. While this environment cannot avoid all noise, it is certainly a different location to utilize when the home is bustling and noise is rampant. 

Enjoy Outdoors Without Being Outdoors

Family and friends with animals or younger children know that there are perks to having a screened porch - your pets and children can play and enjoy the outdoors without you worrying constantly about where they are and what they’re doing. With a screened porch you can set up a safe, secure environment for your pets or children and can let some of your worries drift away. Even better, this idea is definitely not limited to just porch-owners with animals and children - it is also a great way for family and friends to enjoy the outside without having to deal with weather conditions or bugs. 

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Photo By: The Salty Carpenter

More Storage, Less Stress

We have all experienced when a family member moves our belongings or tells us to move our belongings because they are “in the way,” or they “need more space.” With a screened porch, you have more space that can definitely be used for extra storage. Whether this storage is a part-time or full-time utilization, it will open up more house space and alleviate some stress about space and storage within your family. There are plenty of products available on the market today that can even reduce the amount of space being used for storage, making your screened porch and home more open for other activities in the future. 

Design with Creativity and More Freedom

Oftentimes we feel restricted with how we can design our homes - some feel the need to keep colors neutral, others feel the need to follow the “less is more” concept, and even more just stick with an eclectic feel while ensuring it is following the design patterns of today. With a screened porch, there are no guidelines or expectations, and that allows for creativity and more freedom within how we design our porches. Brighter colors and more unique decorations can create a more family/friend-oriented atmosphere without losing one’s individuality. 

Time to Relax

A screened porch is the best location to de-stress and relax after a long day of work. There is plenty of fresh air, ambient outdoor noises, and comfortable seating to allow your mind to rest. If you need time to yourself, a screened porch is for you. If you need time with friends and family, a screened porch is also for you. This is a part of your home that you can truly feel at ease in - a place that everyone needs. 

Let us know how having a screened porch has improved your life!

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