Ways to Increase Productivity While in Your Screened Porch
Are you someone that works from home but doesn’t want to be stuck inside all day? Screened porches are a fantastic place to enjoy some time outdoors while you get work done. However, it can sometimes be tough to focus and feel like you aren’t wasting time. If you find yourself getting distracted, here are some ways that you can increase productivity while in your screened porch.
STay Cool and Hydrated
If it’s a beautiful summer day, chances are it’s nice and warm. While working outside can boost serotonin and make you more productive, the heat can also make you sleepy. For this reason, make sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Additionally, don’t hesitate to bring some cool towels onto the porch.
Put Away Your Phone
It may seem obvious, but it’s amazing how much this helps. Don’t just turn your phone on silent, but leave it inside. If you still want to be able to hear calls if they come in, put your phone in a place where you can’t reach it. If you have to get up to check it, odds are you won’t do it as much compared to if it was within arms reach.
Choose your music wisely
For some people, this might mean not listening to music at all. For others, it might only mean listening to a certain genre. It’s sometimes beneficial to only listen to songs that you know. That way, it gets easier to tune out the music since your brain isn’t listening to anything it hasn’t already heard before. The most important thing is that you’re doing what works for you. If you only ever listen to a certain playlist when you work, try something else if you’re feeling up to it. You never know, maybe a genre you’ve never tried helps you focus better!
Set Micro Goals
It can be tough to find motivation when working on something that’s going to take a few days or even weeks. However, if you can see yourself reaching your goals, it becomes a lot easier to stay focused on them. For this reason, it’s often best to break down your tasks into smaller ones. Maybe give yourself a reward for completing a task as well, such as, “If I finish sending these emails then I get to take a short break.”
Switch Spots
Do you always work in the same spot on your porch? Maybe try switching to a different seat. It can be amazing how a shift of only a few feet helps to get rid of some creative block. Having something new to look at can be super beneficial, and this breaks up your routine just a little bit. Additionally, don’t spend the whole day on your porch. Switch from the indoors to the outdoors to make sure your brain doesn’t get unfocused.
We hope that these tips help you, and be sure to let us know if you have any of your own! Check us out at any of the social media links below.